Inner Space pics

a picture at the hotel at the dive shop


A KISS rebreather

snapper fish

I’ve been diving two days now at Inner Space. It has been great so far, except today one guy got the bends, he has a skin rash after he came up, and I guess he was feeling some discomfort. The divemaster put him on oxygen and he went away in an ambulance. I’m sure he’ll be OK, but he probably won’t be doing any diving this week. Sorry. My dive buddy John is here and we’ve been having some great dives. He’s probably diving right now but I’m home. I’m going to the airport in a while to pick up the OI Girl!!! She’s coming back from New York today, and guess what? At the wedding she caught the bouquet . . .

PS: On my last two tests, I got a 92 and a 97, making my overall average a 92.1%

0 thoughts on “Inner Space pics

  1. Uh-oh! Does this mean we might have to call her OID in the future?Glad to see diving photos again! I watched an episode of ‘House’ once where a guy had been diving and then caught a flight home. They thought at first he had some horrible virus, then they thought he might be a drug mule who had a balloon burst inside…turned out to just be a horrible case of the bends. Seems like pretty bad stuff.Be safe and have fun…waiting and watching for the next pics!!

  2. So we are all invited to the Caymans for the wedding, right? Make it in the winter so it will be nice to get away form snow and such. I love all of your pics as usual but the sunset one filled me with such longing. It looks like a sunset in Key West and I miss those so much.

  3. Ahhh, looks like a great holiday!Sounds like a promising future is ahead… ;)Whenever the bouquet is thrown at a wedding, I’m typically at the bar getting a drink… HA! Only kidding…kinda… 😉

  4. You know what that means Marky-Mark! You better get the cash out and get that girl a ring!!! Glad your diving and thanks for the pics!!!

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  6. Do I hear wedding bells in the distance? If so, I think all your blogging buddies should be invited, so we can enjoy the wedding of course, but especially those sunsets. That is just stunning!

  7. Oh, and congrats on your GPI! That’s great! And also thanks for sharing the pics. I love the pics of your dives.