Iron Man 3 on an Early Early Friday Morning!

Today is sleepy Friday. Last night, (perhaps I should say this morning),  The Wife and I saw the opening night of Iron Man 3 at midnight.

iron man 3 posterIt was about 3 when we went to bed, I got up at 6, sleeping a half hour later than normal.

Although the movie was good, I thought it was the least good of all three Iron Man movies, so far.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Yesterday I twisted my ankle and have my swollen foot shoved into my boots and laced up as tight as I can. Yow. I don’t think it’s too bad though.

Here it’s cloudy and there was some thunder and rain earlier. The forecast calls for rain today and tomorrow. I’m taking the car.

Yesterday I drove because of weather too and recorded an audio post, but it has too many mistakes to use, so I may re-record it today. One thing, if you’ve ever heard your voice on a recording, you don’t sound like you think you sound. I sound insolent, arrogant and angry. I certainly don’t sound how I feel…

Have a good day and have a good weekend!

5 thoughts on “Iron Man 3 on an Early Early Friday Morning!

  1. Glad you had a good day yesterday with your wife. We haven’t seen any of those movies but we did watch the spoof trailer for IM3 yesterday. You should be able to find it on google. Hope your foot gets better and the rain stops. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

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