Every Friday, I say “It’s Friday”, so today I’m not going to say “It’s Friday” The words “It’s Friday” will appear nowhere in this post.
Yesterday evening, I went to the Hyperbaric Chamber for an intro. It is very cool. I rekkon I’ll follow through with it and become an operator. First, you start off as an attendent, going in the chamber with the patient. Then you learn to “drive” the chamber, controlling the gas inside and the pressure. Then, many many “cycles” later, you can possibly become a supervisor, and sit back at the desk, and supervise.

That’s if for today, have a great weekend! See? I went the whole post and didn’t say “It’s Friday” once!
I see a fun time. Put some carbonized beverages in there and see how long it takes to make them explode.
Ummm, I don’t think so…