This morning we had surprise thunder and rain and lightning and winds. A little mini hurricane. My weather report said no rain till Friday, so, change of transport plans.

Apparently, I’m crabby this morning. Took the dogs for their walk, and when we got back, the wife asked, “How was your run?” I snapped back “I haven’t run in probably more than a year, the dogs can’t run.”
Now I feel bad because I snapped at the wife before she even got out of bed. I apologized immediately, but deep down, I wonder if I’m an asshole, deep in my core, printed on my DNA.
July is almost gone, August is almost here. Years are flyin’ by faster and faster. When I turned 40, I figured my life was about half over. I tell ya, the second half is moving a lot quicker than the first half did..
It was a good weekend, we took the dogs to the beach, first time for Daisy, and Lenny swam very well, first time he didn’t act all afraid of the water.
Have a great week!
Everybody has a little bit of asshole in them. You just have to try and not let it get loose.