Monday-ish Thursday

Today it’s back to work for me. Feels like Monday.

I guess it was an OK vacation. The weather was crappy half the time. I didn’t waste too much time  when it was nice out.

Last night we went and saw Costa Rica girls football. They got hammered by Canada. It was devastating. Canada scored first, Costa Rica answered by scoring immediately, but then it was all over.

Yesterday I took “Da Bus” into town to help the Wife  pick up her car that was in the shop. Here’s a pic of me on “Da Bus”.


You can tell I’m thrilled. Just like I’m thrilled to be going back to work today.

Have a good last two days of the week!

6 thoughts on “Monday-ish Thursday

  1. It always sucks going back to work when you’ve been on vacation, but tomorrow is Friday so you can do something fun on the weekend. I hope the weather is nicer since you said its been kind of crappy. Great weather always makes things more enjoyable

  2. Yeah what Lols said – at least it’s a short week! Here I’m back at work AND signed on to teach Sunday school.

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