Monday Report

It was a good weekend. Saturday was rainy and the Wife and I watched all three Madascar movies. Also I cut down a birch tree that the wife wanted cut down. She wanted a mango tree cut down too, but I didn’t cut it. Sunday I mowed the yard and got some sun on our sun deck, while the Wife went to Stingray City. Then last night we went to a friends house and hung out. And that was my weekend.

I seem to notice that the first five days after the weekend that are the hardest.. Is it just me?

2 thoughts on “Monday Report

  1. Those first five days after a weekend aren’t so hard after you retire. 😉

    Seriously, I think we are busier now than when working! We’ve got our on line shop to keep stocked, customers to serve, the business side to run…. That’s all between appointments that seem to be more and more frequent, cooking, laundry (no cabin attendant here!), and naps, of course.

    I hope you have a great week, then an even greater NEXT weekend!

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