More Work Coming

Yesterday I received a spool of cable I had been waiting for. Also over the past week other stuff I need has been trickling in. I showed my boss an old good soundboard we can use instead of waiting for the money to buy a new one, so I can start the next new studio.
But first I have to rebuild a computer that isn’t fixable. And a ton of other things to do. The guy from Pristine Systems has been here for a week, and I’ve been working a lot, including all weekend. Rebuilding all our computers with new motherboards and hard drives. I was hoping for a little slow spot in work after he left, and now the workload is piled super-high!
A good thing on the near horizon though, I’m going to Costa Rica this weekend!!

0 thoughts on “More Work Coming

  1. Having lots of work on is a good thing… at least your’e not likely to lose your job in this ‘recession’…. Costa Rica… wooo hooo! ENJOY.