My Dad

Yesterday my Mom was telling me some stuff about my Dad that I wish I knew before he died.
I have always wished I could travel back in time and meet him as a boy and be the same age or just a little older than him for a while, and he wouldn’t know who I was but I’d know.

0 thoughts on “My Dad

  1. I said this very same thing the other day. Not necessairly to see my parents when they were little, thought that would be really cool, but to experience the time period. I would also like to go back in time and view myself at a certain time. I need to see if there were people there that I eventually met. Read The Time Travellers Wife, if you have the time.

  2. Yeah, I would like to do that with my parents, too. I don’t really know anything about their younger life or childhood.

  3. I would have loved to be friends with my Mother during her childhood and teen days. The late 40s and early 50s seem like such an exciting era. I think your Father would have enjoyed following you around. He would be proud to be with you doing what you do.Wish I could talk to my Mom again. I would ask so many things. Ask them, write them down, remember them. As the eldest of my family, there is no one else to ask about stuff anymore. Weird feeling.