Need Topics

I jabe been unhappy with the content of this blog. I need some topics.

Our fence may be done today or tomorrow. The posts are up and the real fencing will begin today.  It’s good, because only one cat was here for breakfast this morning. There were the giant puppies from around the corner running around this morning. I wonder if the cats will grasp the concept that the fence will keep tje dogs out,  or if they will continue to run off to the woods…

Glad it’s Friday. Big time glad.

5 thoughts on “Need Topics

  1. Look. I think your blog is great! But if you need something to talk about, here are a few suggestions….

    What are some of the unique and interesting things about the Cayman Islands?
    What made you move there?
    The Recession, has it affected you like it has most of us here in the States?
    What is your favorite sport?
    I have seen pics of you Snorkling, but do you have any Deeper Scuba Pics to show?
    How’s your new boat coming along?

    Just a few…I can seriously flood your comment box with topic ideas.

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