New Zupdate

Pair ‘O’ Fishies

I had a really good weekend.
Saturday, I went to the swim. I swam the race in 19 minutes and 26 seconds. (about)
I didn’t win anything.
Sunday I went diving, I had a problem with my rebreather, so I went open circuit. I took some pics.
After the dive, I got the part I needed to fix my rebreather. (O2 sensor)

Then we went to the beach where I got red in the front and not enough sun on my back, I problem I’ll have to fix later. Then home for some chicken on the grill and I installed the part and fixed my rebreather.

One Mermaid
Two Mermaids

Big Grouper

Someone following me

0 thoughts on “New Zupdate

  1. Great pics!! I feel really bad for you that you have that uneven tan. We’re warming up here! Supposed to be almost 60 today and almost 70 tomorrow! That’s almost get nekkid weather!

  2. When I saw the first mermaid and hadn’t scrolled down to see the caption, I thought someone was trying to give you a show while you were checking out the fishes…That story would have started, “Dear Penthouse…” though… ;)One day, I swear I’m coming to live by you, Mark.