Nice Dreams

I dreamed that the tide went down about 100 feet, My dog, Ditto and I went up to what normally is the dropoff, and looked down into the water. We could see the water level coming back up and turned and ran as our feet got wet. We were running across the sand flats, which are normally 60 feet under water, as the small waves from the rising tide chased us.

I was running and laughing and I looked down at Ditto, running beside me and I could tell he was as happy as any dog could be. Tongue out trailing alongside his face, ears blowing in the wind, eyes sparkling as he looked back at me.

It was a wonderful dream, Happy and fun.

I wish Ditto could stay young. Nowadays, he mostly sleeps or paces the floor. We’re pretty sure he’s deaf, not sure he can see, and pretty certain he’s senile and doesn’t know where he  is a lot of the time.

It’s not fair.


Got the new Kindle going, upgraded and loaded with my books. It’s just like my old Kindle now, except with  a better keyboard and 2 gig instead of 4 gig, and no WiFi….

Have a good day!!!!!

7 thoughts on “Nice Dreams

  1. My dog Shadow is getting old, too, and it’s beginning to show. Hopefully, both our dogs can slip peacefully one day from this life and not suffer.

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