One Day and a wake up!

Tomorrow we go to Florida!
I am looking forward to a few days off the island.

Yesterday We went to the beach and it was nice and sunny. We could see the clouds passing. Later in the afternoon, we could see to the south a big cloudbank, with no blue behind it. Even though it was still sunny where we were, we left. Five minutes after we left, it started raining-hard.
It’s been raining ever since.
Not sure if we’re getting rain from “The system” or some of the “Bunch of Crap” from yesterdays post, but it don’t really matter to me. It’s gonna be a wet cold ride into work this morning.

0 thoughts on “One Day and a wake up!

  1. Well it looks like I have some catching up to do! Hope everything is well.And the weather better straighten out – this is the one blog I depend on for sunny pics whenever the weather is crap here.