Permanent Residency

Yesterday I received the letter saying that my request for permanent residency has been approved! All I have to do is take my passport down and have it stamped (with an entry stamp that doesn’t expire), and collect a certificate! And I think I get a special ID card too!
I am very excited. One step closer to becoming Caymanian!

Thursday night I was sitting on the seawall behind the Esso at Four-Way-Stop smoking a cigar with two of my friends from here, talking about old times here, 60’s and 70’s, and I was thinking “What a privilege to be here with these guys, hearing these tales. Most people don’t to get to hear this”

The next day I get my residency letter. Coincidence?

0 thoughts on “Permanent Residency

  1. That’s wonderful Mark. I’m kicking myself for not having done the same years ago.It is now impossible to get residency or status without being a key employee, civil servant or super-rich retiree. The good old days are indeed gone forever..

  2. Congratulations on your residency! Sitting on a seawall “chewing the fat” with a couple of mates sounds like bliss!