
I was sorting through some of my junk last night. I have three 50-pack CD cases that are full of pictures that I have taken over the years also old files, those CD’s you get with each and every thing you buy for your computer and all kinds of miscellaneous junk. I’ve contemplated dimly in the past, way out on the edge of my foggy little mind, that I should compile all the pictures I’ve taken by date. And by subject. The way I have the CDs labeled now is very vague, like “Pics 2002” or “Important vacation pictures”. Plus, I’d have an excellent collection of “Then and Now” pictures. I was looking through a few of them last night.
But the way it is now I can’t find anything when I want it.
It will be a big project.

0 thoughts on “Pictures

  1. I have a bunch of pics archived on CD too. I often wonder how useful that will be to me 50 years from now…..