Promises, Promises

I didn’t post yesterday, I drew a perfect blank. Today isn’t much better. It’s Friday, every day there is the promise of rain and then no rain. And I”m not complaining, except I haven’t ridden my scooter all week.

Taste Of Cayman, an annual food event, was cancelled, well, rescheduled, because of the rain we haven’t had. We’re not going, been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Although the days are getting longer, here, sunrise has been staying at 7:02 AM for almost the whole month. Sunset has been later, but sunrise stays the same till the 28th. On January 8-9th, it switched from 7:01 to 7:02, and has been 7:02 ever since. Wonder why?

Did I mention it’s Friday? Monday is a holiday here, Heros Day.

Have a great weekend!