
click pic for huge heartmelting view

This morning I heard a puppy whining outside the back window. I went outside and all the neighbor girls had him and were spoiling him big time. Thay gave him a bath and went out and bought food. He’s teeny, looks lke about 6 weeks, not that I’m an expert or anything.
He looks like a perfectly healthy puppy. He had fleas, but that’s about it. The thought crossed my mind that my dog could use some company. The girls really love him and I think one of them will keep him, but we shall seeeeeee!

0 thoughts on “Puppy

  1. Oh my gosh what a cutie-patootie! Makes me want to get a dog for the family all the more. Put him up on Ebay and Renee and I can bid on him. HEE HEE!