Redskins Lost

Redskins got hammered last night by the Steelers. Redskins have lost every game to the Steelers since 1991.

This morning I dreamed that the alarm had gone off, and I slept through it. Except I knew it was a dream, so I  knew I didn’t have to get up yet, but I  was worried about oversleeping at the same time.

Went for a swim this morning. Cobalt Coast has a new sign. It’s very pretty, but doesn’t say “open to the public” like the old sign did. Imagine if everyone can go to the beach, except people who live here. That’s pretty much what happened on Seven Miles Beach.

Again this morning is clear, but it’s supposed to be rainy. Yesterday it started raining precisely at 11, just what me weather app said. Car yesterday, car today.

Have a good day!