Revisiting The Dentist

I might have mentioned, I went to the dentist yesterday. Had a permanent cap put on a tooth. When I got home and tried to floss, the floss got caught under the cap, and I ended up using scissors in my mouth to cut the floss and get it out. Doing so, I think I “relocated” the cap, because it feels different and I can see it hanging down wwhen I look in the mirror. But maybe both are just my imagination. (I use those “Plackers” things, with the plastic bit.)

Anyway, I’m revisiting the dentist today.

More snags in the home additiion, but we’ll see. Getting a construction quote supposedly by the weekend. Big big big problems with the plans will cause higher construction costs.

Aaaaand I seem to be running early this morning. It was only 6:05 when I sat down here with my coffee. Now it’s 6:19 and I’m ready to say…..

Have a great day!

2 thoughts on “Revisiting The Dentist

  1. I think people wind spending more on their teeth than any other medical costs. Teeth should be part of all medical plans.

    • I think medical care in the US should be guaranteed to citizens in the country the same way protection by the US military guarantees protection to US citizens in the country.

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