Shebas On a Roll!

Sheba was incredibly well behaved yesterday and last night! I was awed. No accidents, no blatant acts of rebellion. Maybe something clicked for her! She spent the night before last and the night before that outside. Last night she stayed in and had a perfect performance record! Wow!

Here’s a picture of my new aluminum spiral staircase, they started installing it in yesterday and hopefully they’ll finish today! It’s all shiny and beautiful! And it takes less room that the ladder that was there before. It really turned a lot better than I expected. All that’s left to do is put the armrail on it! It was custom built by Caribbean Engineering (Phone 345 946 5000). Apparently they don’t have a website.

click pik to enlarge

The storm is still coming. I have a new transmitter in Customs, the old one failed and I’m running on backup. We don’t want to order the parts for the old one, so I’m going to try to get the ne one out of customs and installed today It may be an impossibly big job. Wish me luck!