Spring Is Coming

Spring is definitely coming. Around these parts, I can tell the days are definitely getting longer and that the afternoons are brighter. That’s a good thing for me

There’s a pretty strong wind coming from the north, yesterday was rough at my beach lunch and the cruise ships stopped on the south side of the island instead of the west. Probably will be the same today.

I am supposed to get the new (used) Kindle today. Hopefully.

That’s it! Gotta go! Have a wonderful day! 

5 thoughts on “Spring Is Coming

  1. >> Have a wonderful day!
    Same to you. Hope you get the Kindle. Dunno what I would do without mine.

  2. we had some mad wind this weekend – like it was march instead of feb. spring is coming here, too. weeds and wildflowers starting to populate the yard.

  3. we had 80 one day..and 3-4 days of 70’s and now we’re going to get some cooler weather and some rain..the flowers, trees and bushes are all going crazy..don’t know if they should bloom or just pack it in..I have my internet back so the day is good..

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