Dorian is still out there, no threat to Cayman, but nonetheless food for thought. I have friends in Hatteras and all over Virginia Beach, where Dorian is now. Plus news is coming out about The Bahamas devastasion.
I built my house with hurricanes in mind, but Dorian makes me realize that nothing can stand up to a hurricane. A structure may be rated to withstand winds of 250 miles per hour, but missing is the time factor, 250 miles per hour for how long?
The buildings here that survived hurricane Ivan in 2004 were weakened by the storm, will they survive another? My old apartment from Ivan seems fine now, but in the storm, a big section of roof was lifting and flapping in the wind. Now, gravity is holding it in place, but was it repaired? I doubt it. How many other similar examples exist?
Fear of hurricanes Friday.
With global warming, you may have to build a house that can withstand 300mph winds.