Sunday Burnout

Image depicting the way I feel right now. It’s not bad… but…

Last night I went to bed at about 10:30 PM. This morning, for some reason, the dawgs didn’t wake me up, and aside from getting up at 4:30 for a while, I slept till 8:15, which is unprecedented. Now I feel like I need coffee and a shower, except I already had coffee and a shower. Burnout. I think the only cure is a snorkel in the cold cold Caribbean Sea,

6 thoughts on “Sunday Burnout

  1. LOL! Have fun. My dogs didn't wake me up either! Got up at 9:00am, also unprecedented! Only difference: I feel great! A snorkel does sound good, however.

  2. Our dogs start yelling to be let out of the garage at 6am! Little buggers.I hope the water isn't too cold! I thought it would be nice and warm where you live.

  3. Chris, the water is freezing. In the summer, it gets up to 86 F but in the winter it plummets to 79 F. Now it's about 80 F. I was trying to be funny.

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