
It’s a beautiful day, I am going to the beach this morning with the dawg. He has a new beach umbrella that gives him shade. Plus it provides me a place to tie him up!
This afternoon is a funeral. Yesterday I bought new shoes and a shirt for the funeral.
Lat night I thought of something really good to post about this morning but now I can’t remember what it was. I hate that when that happens.

0 thoughts on “Sundie

  1. Wish I was at the beach. It was a beautiful day here. Sun was shining, and the temps were on the warmish side. Of course tomorrow, rain again, but we need it.

  2. I can not WAIT for nice weather. I am nowhere near the beach, unless you count the one around the little lake about an hour and a half away. haha…I enjoy your pics and stories as some virtual trip to the beach for me…thank you…