My mom told me.something quite interesting, and upon careful observation, It appears to be true.
My mom said the all the good stuff is located around the edges of a grocery store, near all the walls.
I think it’s true! The fresh fruits and vegetables, the refrigerated items, meats and cheeses, all on the edges. The salad bar, fresh baked goods, and the hot food steam tables too. All the stuff that’s more healthy is more or less near the edges of the store.
In the center, are the dried goods, the preservative filled foods, the ultra processed foods. The stuff that can sit on the shelf for decades and not go bad, the stuff that’s not particularly good for you will be found in the center isles of the store.
This can save a lot of time, instead of cruising up and down each aisle every time I go to the grocery store, (and not finding anything I want to buy) I can just circle the outside and grab and go!
Thank my Mom for this grocery shopping hack!
Oh. Interesting theory. Next time I am at a grocery shop I would check if this theory holds up in my country too. In the name of science of course
Let me know your verdict!