The Jet Blue Dude

I can really relate to this guy, and how he handled the situation. His name is Steven Slater. He had a run-in with a passenger, who used foul language and hit him, so Steven went to the PA and cussed him out, deployed the escape slide, walked to his car and went home. (I guess it’s lucky they happened tobe on the ground! I wonder if he had a parachute?).

Plus, the fact that Steven Slater grabbed a beer before he left is a classic move! The icing on the cake!

I bet the passenger who caused it is really nervous, hoping the media doesn’t get his name!

I wonder what happened on the plane after that? Surely, after a emergency exit slide has been deployed, they can’t just roll it up, close the door and take off. I am sure the passengers had to at least de-plane and wait, or maybe get on a different plane.

I don’t like it when I see people treat flight attendants, janitors, waiters and waitress’s poorly.

PS, today’s my birthday! I’m a 601 month old baby!

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