Time Flies

I don’t know where the week went. Monday I left my computer at work, so I couldn’t post Tuesday, but that’s the only thing I remember.
I replaced our kitchen faucet yesterday. On the old one, half of it came loose, a bolt rusted out. I got a new one with plastic bolts. None of the ones I looked at had metal bolts, except the same one we had, which I found in a store.
Tomorrow is my works Christmas Party, Saturday is The Wifes work Christmas party.

The phone company here sucks. They intermittently send a bill. In six months, I’ve received two bills. It’s a real hassle, because I have to go track them down, call them, find out how much my bill is. And I’ve complained before and have it documented.

Tuesday I received a rare phone bill. Tuesday I paid it. Tuesday I started getting automated calls about my bill being overdue. They suck. We need another phone company.