
Woke up and we’re off the air. Going in early, working late.
Watched the movie, Transporter 2 Last night. Not recommended, too many impossibilities.

0 thoughts on “Titleless

  1. Sounds like you need a vacation! Hee hee!! I really hate it when I rent a movie and then dislike the movie. Makes me glad that I didn’t actually pay $7.00 to see it however.

  2. I just read your blog because it was referred to on Isaac Spencer’s blog site. How interesting that you enjoy diving and underwater photography! A family that I knew long ago traveled, filmed, and collected shells. Perhaps you know of them? Greg Hamann is the one I went to school with. They are a phenominal family! You can look up his name on the internet, and send him an e-mail, if you like. -Gail