Today is the day!

Chilean miners expected to be rescued today!

This evening they should start bringing the miners out, one by one. Some sources say it will take 15 minutes for the capsule to reach the surface from the bottom. The video above says 30. Looking at the articles on the web, there are very different reports of when it will start, now long it will take, and several of the minor details. (Get it? Miner Details!! Haa haa ha). I wonder if any of the miners are minors? 

I guess they will start when they are ready, and nobody knows the exact time they will be ready.

The president of Chile is rumored to be coming.
One video showed crowd control barricades, so I rekkon the Prez IS indeed coming. Hope he’s not late! Imagine having to wait down at the bottom because the president is late!
Maybe someday one of the miners will read this blog. I doubt it, but it’s possible.

0 thoughts on “Today is the day!

  1. After you posted about the miners yesterday, I heard on the news they were coming up and out today and that their ride would be 20 minutes long. I can't imagine how glad the miners and their family and friends are going to be tonight!! How wonderful!!!!! …debbie

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