Again I can’t sleep.
We got our internet fixed. I got a new modem. I thought it was the modem, until they told me that it was good. Turned out to the modem anyway. I hate dealing with our phone company. It is always a long and frustrating process.
Again I can’t sleep.
We got our internet fixed. I got a new modem. I thought it was the modem, until they told me that it was good. Turned out to the modem anyway. I hate dealing with our phone company. It is always a long and frustrating process.
Ugh! I hate it when people help you to death (they don't know what they're talking about, but try & help anyway). Anyway, great that you've got internet back & very pretty on the photo!
So glad your computer is up and running again!! Like your photo. Take on in daylight so we can compare. …debbie
I can so relate to having to deal with the phone company. When they come out to see me, I teach them how to properly configure my internet connection…Once in a blue moon, I will get a techie that knows his stuff.
what a lovely picture.have you tried valiarian root?..I take 3 every night…after awhile they don't work..so then I switch back to melatonin and take it till it quits working and then switch back to valiarian root..it works for me.
That's a cool photo.I have to deal with the phone company soon… me phone line in the house isn't working! Drat.I stay up really late at night so that when I do go to bed I can actually sleep.
sounds like me trying to deal with MSN. frustrating! Beautiful shot there!