Turkey Day Week

I didn’t realize it, but this is Thanksgiving week. I didn’t realize it when I agreed to go to the Brac on Thursday. I had to decline my invitation for turkey dinner, and I’ll probably be working till 8PM. We have a big audit this week, and from what I’ve heard about the last one, this will be Hell Week

The Wife is in Miami to see Madonna In Concert, She’ll be back Thursday and I won’t be there to pick her up at the airport.

It was a short weekend, Saturday I took The Wife to the airport, Sunday I  mowed the yard. I can’t remember much else. I miss her. Last night I woke up , hot, I figured I’d open the window more to let more breeze in, then I thought, am I an idiot? opening the window? I wonder if I’m crazy, wanting to open the window. I need to ask the wife.

Redskins won, I didn’t watch. I checked the score on my phone every once in a while while I was mowing. They play Dallas on Thursday as well, another event I’ll be missing..

I went to bed last night about 10:30, and it was hard to wake up this morning.

Re reading this, it sounds like I have a bad case of the Monday Morning Blues,

2 thoughts on “Turkey Day Week

  1. Ugh! What were you thinking. And on Thanksgiving?!! One of the worse punishments anyone could make me do, was auditing. I had days like that when we had a business. If you were closer, I’d send you over a pie while you work to try and sweeten up the hours a bit. Maybe your wife coming home will do the trick. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. give me your phone number and and I’ll call and razz your ass..only if the boys are winning..which i doubt..I’m thinking cowboys +1 1/2.
    you miss your wife..nothing wrong with that.
    she’s seeing Madonna, sigh*….lucky …

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