Have a programable light switch .that died. I looked at it, 15 years old burnt out spots on the display, no lights no power, seemed dead.
I went out and bought another one. It cost $50.50. I was looking at the new switch and saw a reset button on the front. “Hmmm wonder if my old one has a reset button. Sure enough, it did. I pressed it and vrooooooooom! The switch powered up, I programmed it and it’s been working great!
I couldn’t find the receipt to take the new one back. So now I’m happy to have have a spare $50 light switch.

Happy Friday ! Have a great day and an even better weekend!
Been there, done that.
Ah, yes, we have a few spares of items around here, too. Right now we are dealing with a thermostat that doesn’t want to operate correctly. The resident engineer did a great job of getting the temp up to 62 F which is better than 55 F, but we’ll have to call the Heating and Air guy Monday to check the system. It’s cold here, but the forecast snow storm missed us – so far…. Happy weekend!