We Won A BOAT!!!!!





The Wife and I went out to lunch today, after we power washed the house and decks. After that, on impulse, we went to a boat show at Harbor House Marina. They were raffling off a cute little boat. My wife asked me if I’d like to win a boat, and I said “Not really, but I would like one ofย  those hats.” (everyone was wearing Harbor House Marina hats.) We went back inside and I found where they were giving the hats away, right next to where they were selling raffle tickets. The Wife bought a raffle ticket.

Then we went outside and there were hamburgers and stuff and a whole lot of people. Then came the drawing, we were so far away we couldn’t hear, so we went closer, just in time for the grand prize drawing, the boat. I went in shock when they called my name. I was zombified. I turned to look at the Wife and she was all excited, jumping up and down. I didn’t know she put the ticket in my name.

So they’re delivering the boat on Monday, I’m still in shock. I can’t wait to go out on it.

If I was going to buy a boat, it would be a boat just like the one we won.


10 thoughts on “We Won A BOAT!!!!!

  1. Hot damn! Super congrats. So glad to hear good news about others instead of some of the things I have been hearing lately about friends etc.

    I would be zombified too. Enjoy!

  2. Holy smokes! Congrats! I truly hope you can afford it…Boats cost a ton of money to maintain.

    To me this is a WIN. Not just for you but for us out here on the Interwebs. The pics and vids of your Dives are going to be plentiful now….

  3. That is fantastic news.
    You know, a man living on an island needs a boat!
    Your scuba horizons have expanded ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I should have looked at this post before your last one, then I wouldn’t have looked so dumb on my comments. Okay, so that is a pretty nifty boat you won! Just don’t forget to take your fishing rod. And your wife. After all, she got you the boat. “Congratulations! and Celebrations! I want the world to know I’m happy as can be!” Know that song by Cliff Richards?

  5. OH MY GOD!!! How bloody fantastic! I dream of having my own little boat. You are so so lucky! Well done to your wife for buying the raffle ticket… she must be so chuffed!!!!!

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