1000 Days

Today marks 1000 days of Duolingo. I’ve studied Spanish most of my life but still can’t speak it well.

And! quite by coincidence, Perseverance Rover celebrates 1000 days on Marsh same day as my 1000!

It was a good weekend . Sushi Friday, Shopping and relaxing Saturday, and did a boat dive with the British Sub Aqua Club yesterday.

Nice weekend overall.

Water Weekend

Saturday was an 800 meter swim I came in second out of 3 in my age group. I think I swam well and wanted first place.

Sunday I went out on a boat dive with Don Foster’s Dive Center it was quite nice.

Today I’m taking the dogs to get their shots this afternoon, early lunch hour. And tonight is the beginning of Passover. I’m going to a Seder.

Have a great week!

Mondays Photos

It seems almost typical that I post the weekend’s diving photos on Monday mornings. Above are shots from Eden Rock.

I pplanted some new banana plants this weekend, and a month or two I planted peppers. Someone said I should store my seeds in the refrigerator crisper. We’ll, I planted six plants and only one has come up. Not sure the fridge is the proper place to store seeds.

Busy wweek Coming up. Hope you have a good-un!

above water and below

Here’s my above water shot, a picture of the eclipse taken by me yesterday . This was almost exactly 2:00 p.m. past the peak. It was mostly cloudy.

Below are some pictures that I took scuba diving on Sunday, day before yesterday.

Above water and below.

Remember there is no line where the sky or outer space starts or ends. When we are above water, we are living in the sky and kinda, outer space.

Have a great day!

Typical Monday Post

It was a nice weekend, seemed long. Friday after work, I dropped my vehicle for service, Had a lazy evening at home.

Saturday I did aomw yard work, and picked my vehicle up in the afternoon.

Sunday went diving, pictures above.

Typical Weekend, Typical post. Nothin’ to see here folks.

Have a great week!

Baby Triggerfish

Had a nice dive this weekend. Favorite thing I saw was this juvenile triggerfish. About as big as a quarter.

Also there is a beautiful sunrise right now.

Have a wonderful week!