Itsanutter Mundee. Saturday I replaced my $2000 sliding glass door shutters with $60 vertical blinds. It’s much much better. The wood shutters inhibited the use of the sliding glass door, and were generally non-functional. And, in other news, we have two quarantiners lined up to spend their quarrantine in our superior accomodations.
Sunday I went diving with a group of 8. It was a very nice dive. Turtle, Stingray, Nurse Shark and what I call Longfish. Usually all the sea life runs away from me, yesterday, it seemed to pose for the camera. All the videos below are very short.
Above is what I call longfish. They usually run from the camera.
The turtle was quite big in this video. Swam right by me.
The video above and below should have been edited into one video, but I haven’t done it (yet). It was a little baby nurse shark, two or three feet long. The girl in the video works in the shark department in the DOE and asked me to send her the videos, which I did, another reason they aren’t edited.
Below is a Four Eye fish. Again, these usually run like hell when I arrive with the camera, yesterday was a rare day.
And after the dive it got cloudy, and the weather has been getting worse. Right now it’s blowing hard and sputtering rain. I don’t know what’s going on.
Have a great week!
I hope you’re trying to sell the wood blinds online.