Whining Sniveling Crybaby

I just deleted a two page rambling about how abused I am, and it’s all my fault I let people walk all over me.

I’ve been off work for a week, I can’t get any rest. All I want to do is go to the beach. If work doesn’t call the competing radio station calls. Today I said I’d go help them fix their transmitter. I don’t wanna. I’m supposed to go diving with a friend of a friend of the OI Girl, I don’t even want to do that, I just want to go to the beach.
Tonight we’re having a New Years Eve party. I have to get ready. Cut the grass. clean.

0 thoughts on “Whining Sniveling Crybaby

  1. Man, you just need a day for yourself. Get out and do what YOU want to do. Nobody can be happy doing things for others ALL of the time.