Wot a Dummee

Last night we had dinner at the bro and sis in laws. After dinner, we were sitting outside, and it was getting dark and through the window I see the Sis In Law coming out with a bunch of candles. It looked like a birthday cake, so to be silly, I started singing Happy Birthday and everyone joined in. Then she got closer and could see she actually DID have a birthday cake, and I started looking around, wondering whose birthday it was. I looked at my Wife, and knew it wasn’t her birthday. Bro in Law was singing too, so I didn’t think it was him. The Sis in Law was carrying the cake and singing, so I didn’t think it was hers.
I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know who’s birthday it was.It was mine.

Actually, by birthday is the 11th, but last night was the last night we’d see the Bro and Sis In Law before then, so they had a cake for me.

And it had four candles, for my age, mentally