Wota Weekend

This weekend on Saturday, I was setting up my rebreather for a Sunday dive and I noticed my fins were missing. The OI Girls father was using them when went diving week before last. Apparently they were left at the dive site. I went looking and calling but they are gone. I loved those fins, Seaquest Accelerators. Now I’m using some Mares full foot fins I’m not crazy about. It was a good dive though.

Sunday, we were given the dog IO Girl wanted. The owners are moving to Jamaica for school for 4 years so the OI Girl has her dog. Sheeba the Girly Girl. She’s the 50 lb puppy I mentioned earlier
She’s part Akita and part Lab.
Pics coming.

This morning they’re installing our hurricane shutters. If I can just get the leak in the roof fixed we’d be set pretty well for hurricane season.

0 thoughts on “Wota Weekend

  1. I am actually on the verge of getting a mini daschund puppy. I know I will regret it. Why do they have to be so cute?

  2. Good luck with the Akita mix. She’s going to be a handfull. I got an Akita/Pit when he was 6 months old. It took over two years to train him. He woudn’t listen to me, wouldn’t look me in the eye and constantly used to jump on me and knock me down. Once we worked out all of his bad habits he was a really great dog. I miss him lots.