1 Feb

I’m at work, just dropped the OI Girl off at the airport. While I was kissing the OI Girl good bye, a girl thqat I went out with a couple of times walked by and saw me. I’m sure she’ll say something next time I talk to her. But she doesn’t know I saw her and know she saw me. I wanted things to go a lot further with her than they did. She’s kind of afraid of comittment I think. I called her earlier this year and wished her a happy birthday. I think she was impressed I remembered.
Today promises to be busy with good stuff, mostly outside the building. AND it’s Wednesday, that means split shift and that means beach lunch!
Can you believe it’s February already? I’ve always said the first half of the year goes faster than the second half.
AND more good news fo you north of here’s, looking for spring. Remember that singing bird I wrote about, and wrote again that he was gone? Well, he’s back! Maybe not the same one, but it is one more shred of evidence that spring is coming! It is spreading your way!
Have a good day!

0 thoughts on “1 Feb

  1. Looking forward to spring am I. I can hardly wait. It keeps teasing us and confusing the plant life. Our azaleas get so confused, they don’t know when to bud and flower and usually do it early because of a warm spell. Then we get a frost and wilt all the beautiful flowers. Never plant anything before the pecan trees bud. They know when the last frost has come and gone.

  2. Me too, cindy-lou and MarkD! Bring it on. The flowers in bloom, the leaves on the trees, the birds singing, visiting MarkD in the islands! I can’t wait.