Weather Irregular

I took the car yesterday, and then it got sunny and stayed sunny all day. Last night was clear and we looked for shooting stars. We got this meteor shower going on ya know.
This morning, got up at 5, looked outside, crystal clear. I figured I’d have a shower, some coffee, post my post and look for meteors some more while it got light.
Whilst I was in the shower, it started to rain. Pour. It was cloudless a minute ago. Whottheeheck.
How an I supposed to determine the most appropriate mode under these conditions?
The crap I gotta put up with, I tell ya.

You know what else bugs me? What is it? IT rained, IT got light. This irks me every time I hear it. Another thing that bothers me is the nameless “they” that so many people refer to. “Surely they’ll evacuate us, they won’t let us stay here!”

I’m off on a rant. Cabin fever from a little rain! Surely IT will stop! THEY won’t let me go crazy!
