Quest For The Best Deodorant ?

Underarm stuff is all weird. Some seem like they don’t wash out of my underarm hair in the shower. Some are uncomfortable and itchy. Some create redness. So a month or so ago, I did the search above and went out and bought the exact number 1 pick.

I don’t like it. The material it’s made of is a white solid. It leaves a visible film/residue/resin in the underarm.

The only thing I like is a clear liquid in a roll on, or the discontinued green “gel” in the Brut push up dispenser. Now Brut is the white solid ad described above. Below is the discontinued clear green gel I’m talking about. What I’ve been trying to find a replacement for for years now.

I wish it was easy, to find a replacement, like it’s easy about shampoo. Shampoo is easy. Ask and get a definitive, simple,consistent, answer.

Have a great day!

Chocolate Digestives Disaster

I bought a package of chocolate digestive biscuits. They’re pretty good cookies (Do you see what I did there?) because they’re good and at the same time not too sweet and not 1000% sugar.

When I opened the pack, the chocolate was a little melty and got all over my fingers, so I put the rest in the fridge. When I came back for more, they were welded together, inseparable. I had to wedge a knife in between to get them apart. Lucky I didn’t lose any fingers.

I split the stack into about four parts. It was crumby and still messy. Biscuit chunks explosively flying all over as I drove the wedge between the ironclad layers.

I ate thick stacks with about 4 cookies each. It was a real disaster, a catastrophe. I’ll be getting more soon to try and improve the procedure.

It’s a back to work Monday. Long weekend, coming up!

Taco Tuesday Tasteless Buds

Yesterday me and the boys from work went to Taco Tuesday at a local restaurant. I asked for hot sauce. Their hottest sauce, to me barely had any heat. I remember hot sauce and horseradish that would clear your sinuses and make it so you could feel your hair growing.

Not anymore. I can’t find any hot hot sauce. Prepared Horseradish no longer sends the explosive fumes up through my skull. No more insta-sweats, red face or elevated heart rate. No more near drownings, guzzling water after a hot bite.

I live in a bleak, coolsauce world.

I wonder, do my taste buds wear out like my ears and eyes as I get older? I’m trying to grow some horseradish, maybe I’ll add peppers and delve into some high heat experiments.

everything else seems to taste normal, it seems that only the hot is gone from the hot sauce. Is it me, or have you noticed it too? Tell me I’m not crazy!

Have a great day!

Happy Halloween !

Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road?

He didn’t have the guts!

What do you get when you take the insides out of a hot dog?

A hollow weenie!

Ha ha hahaha! Happy Halloween! Tune in next year for the same jokes again!

WiFi Without Internet

on my phone, and probably yours, there’s a Wi-Fi connection and a cellular data connection of your internet service.

What grinds my gears, is that if my phone is connected to a Wi-Fi signal, and there’s no internet on that Wi-Fi, then my phone won’t automatically use the cellular data connection to access the internet. The internetless Wi-Fi effectively prevents internet access.

I have to turn off the Wi-Fi to access the internet, and then remember to turn wi-fi back on again. Pain in thee butt.

And that’s my daily whining and moa ING for today!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

I Don’t Have Time For This

Here comes Bret. Supposed to fizzle out before getting here (iffee gets here at all) but I’m getting ready, pruning trees. I majorly trimmed the Otaheite Apple tree yesterday, i don’t want it to come down. Below is an after and before shot. And I put the tripod on.

I would have trimmed her thinner, but she’s full of fruit. I tried to not cut any branches with fruit, but accidentally cut one with 3 pale white Otaheite apples on it. I put them near the trunk as fertilizer.

But listen, i didn’t schedule any time this season for hurricanes., So let’s just skip it this year and move on. Ok? OK!

AND: FYI, the summer solstice is at 10:57 AM our time. The sun reaches its northernmost point, over the tropic of Cancer for a brief second. After that moment, the sun starts heading back south to the tropic of Capricorn.

Have a wonderful day!

Turn Off Upcoming Alarm?

Most mornings, I notice my watch buzz inappropriately. This morning i discovered it was my phone asking me if I wanted to turn off the upcoming alarm! Is it just me, or is that a moronic question to ask? Waking me up to tell me i have to wake up in half an hour, do I want to turn off the alarm? The answer is not only no, but hell no! And furthermore, If i wanted to be awakened a half hour earlier than the time for which I set the alarm, I would have set the alarm for a half hour earlier!

Needless to say, today I will figure out how to turn off this rediculous notification.


Happy Thursday!