I meant to post at 200, but now it’s 210 days in a row I have been studying with Duolingo. I almost lost my streak once but found a way to earn Stars. (Once you run out of stars, they try to make you pay.) But by “practicing” lessons, you can earn Stars. Then you can complete a task in order to continue the streak.
My mother and sister fly out tomorrow. At first it seemed like 2 weeks was too long, but now it seems like 2 weeks is too short.
it’s another Monday, ugh. I slept ok, feel pretty good. I got a negative covid self-test this morning.(twice a week for work) and the weather is looking good for the next couple of days.
All is well. Have a good week too!
How great that you had the visit with your Mom and Sister. 🙂 Family can make things feel good again, can’t they. I hope your Mom has some family famous home cooking that she prepared for you while she was there, too. Have a great week!
Ha! I cooked!