My dawg Lenny, seems to have a food fetish. He will scoot the bowl off into a corner or under a chair and use his snout to shovel the food out of his bowl onto the floor. He seems to eat little or none of the food.when he’s doing this. It seems like some sort of perverted messmaking hobby He will eat normal when he’s hungry.
After the title and picture, aren’t you disappointed by the paragraph above? I am!
Also, when Lenny’s going to drink some water, he slowly slowly slowly, moving statue, sneaks up on the water bowl. Then laps water as loud as possible, splashing it to the maximum
He definitely has some kind of weird psychology going on whenit comes to food and drink. He’s always been a bit freaky.
Today is my boss’s last day at work. I applied to fill the position, but haven’t heard anything. The new boss is sure to not be as good as the old boss though.
Have a fantastic day!
I see one particular donut I could start munching on.
Yeah, and leave it right there, “Look! No hands!”