Drive Don’t Ride

I am taking the car today instead of the scooter. It is raining. Tonight we are having company over for dinner. We really need our back porch for company. If it is raining, we will be a little fukt but not too bad.

Last night I had a weird dream. This guy killed another guy, and wrote a contract for me and several others to sign, saying we wouldn’t tell anybody. Nobody minded signing it because the killer was such a nice guy. We were at his house, and his garage was like a living room except you could tell the carpet was sitting on the dirt floor. And the contract was written on the inside of a cereal box. All the panels of the box were torn apart and the writing was on the inside.
I think it was in California.There’s not much for me to post about today, like I said yesterday, this is a long week. I am tired this morning, and would rather stay home on this rainy cold cold winters day.

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