Four pics and two vids

Camera 14MP-9PC


Camera 14MP-9PC

Baby Squid. as big as my thumb, hovering in mid water, I wasn’t sure I’d get good focus.

Camera 14MP-9PC


Camera 14MP-9PC


[jwplayer mediaid=”9568″]

I call this piece of coral The Pinnacle. I have been swimming out to check it out as long as I have lived here.

[jwplayer mediaid=”9569″]

These are artificial reef balls. Shaped like a gumdrop. Not much seems to be growing on them though.

7 thoughts on “Four pics and two vids

  1. the baby squid is awesome! so’s the turtle! i hope the pinnacle lasts for years and years unharmed. and those reef balls at least give shelter to the little fish. 🙂

  2. Brilliant pix. Are you trying to make us even more miserable? It is Monday and it is grey and Oh and it is tanking it down, again. And so your little video ends with blue skies and sun. Not fair. Have a marvelous monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Love the Turtle photo, and REALLY love the videos. Those reef balls probably need to be in the water a lot longer before the start getting covered in barnicles etc.

  4. Hmmm, maybe the reefs are smarter than us. They can tell the fake from the real. But, I do love those pics and videos. Nice, nice, nice.

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