
I had a good snorkel at lunch yesterday . There were squid! Lots of them.

They are amazing creatures. Always changing colors, hovering around, sometimes darting off, seemingly disappearing instantly.

There was lots of other good stuff out there yesterday too.

And now it’s another HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Have a good weekend!

Monday O Monday

Monday, When the alarm went off, I was having a dream that this girl was riding a weighted sled down to a submerged car to get something out through the open sunroof. I can’t remember now what she was getting, but I know I knew in my dream. The water was surprisingly cold and murky.    She was wearing a red thick wetsuit, and as she headed down, I realized I couldn’t descend fast enough, and I couldn’t hold my breath long enough. I thought the car was very shallow, since we weren’t using tanks.

Speaking of diving, I went diving this weekend, and snorkeling. First we went to look for an old airplane in the North Sound, we found it very easily. It was a PBY Catalina, but the engines and propellers were gone. All three wheels were there and sheets of metal. It was a junkyard.


I have unimpressive pics on my camera, which is in my car. I’ll post some tomorrow. After that, we did a dive at a site called Bears Paw, it was a good dive, nice coral, but nothing spectacular.

Sunday the wife and I drained, cleaned and refilled our hot tub, and had a quiet day at home.

Now it’s Monday, and I’m headed in to work.

Have a great week!

Thankful Thursday

I went to the beach at lunchtime yesterday, but the water was kinda  rough, and I didn’t go snorkeling. Today would be a good day for some underwater pictures, but I don’t have any new ones. I don’t have anything to post about, either.

9 people killed in a church in Charleston.
60 million immigrants worldwide right now, people who have fled their homes and countries because of wars and conflicts.

I’m lucky and glad I live where I do. All my problems pale in comparison to what many have to deal with.

My lawnmower is broken.
Dog pooped on the porch.
Waves too big to get photos at my beach lunch.

I’ve got a full set of problems right now. Six months ago I had a full set of problems. Six months from now I’ll still probably have a full set of problems. On a good day, maybe I get rid of five old problems and only get three new ones, on a bad day, maybe I get five new and only get rid of three. But right now, I can’t remember what my full set of problems were six months ago, and six months from now, I probably won’t remember what my full set of problems is today.
The secret of life is not to wait til I get rid  of all my problems and finally have a perfect life, the secret of life is to be happy, even with my unresolved problems, because my “in box” will  never be empty.

This is something I know, but forget all too often.

Have a good day.

Happy Hump Day!

Almost over the hump. Hoping for good weather this weekend.
I went to the beach yesterday at lunch, but did not swim. Today I will probably swim. There were a lot of people  at the cloudy beach, Tryin’ ta act happy in the cloudy cold weather. They were doing a good job too, you know, acting happy. So I’ll probably join them today. I’m trying to be funny here, you know, overly dramatic? But I am definitely tired of the clouds.


And I definitely will join the sad sad tourists at the beach today.

Havva Guudun!

More Rain


It rained all day yesterday, and it looks like a lot of more rain coming. It’s already getting to me, because it was cloudy for a long time before it started raining. But we really need the rain, and the plants seem really happy.

It seems like both the week is going slow and fast. Wednesday already? Dang  it’s only Wednesday…

I think today I will go snorkeling, rain or shine!

Workaround For WordPress App

You heard me complaining the other day about the update to the WordPress app that loads all the photos instead of letting me steer to a folder. Well, I found a workaround. I can go to the photo album app, select images and then “share” them with WordPress. Then I have the option to send them to a new post or add them to the media library.

So here’s still more U/W photos.





