Brilliant, Unique Post Title

It’s Monday, and I almost made “It’s Monday” the title of this post but I realized there probably 50 posts titled “It’s Monday”. So I decided to come up with a brilliant, unique title for my post.

After Friday and Saturday, practically nobody I know did anything yesterday .I wanted to see why the new inner tube on my bicycle wouldn’t hold air, but I was not foolish enough to attempt such a momentous task.

Mainly, we watched a movie, “The Walk“, based on the story of 24-year-old French high-wire artist Philippe Petit’s walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on August 7, 1974. 

It was very good.

I can’t really remember much more from yesterday, uneventful, sleepy day. I took some time lapse videos and played with my new camera. Maybe I’ll post some boring video tomorrow.

Not really looking forward to work, but I kinda want to go. I have mixed feelings.

Have a great week!

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