Busy Day

Today is my ‘Day Off’, but at noon I have a meeting about an IT job and possibly I will do the job today. Maybe there will be a contract involved.
I also need to catch up on emails and research I am doing for a Radio Station installation, Having some major parts problems… Can’t tell what kind of cable it is to order the connectors.
Also I wanted to do ALL my holiday shopping today. (not gonna happen I guess) I needed to get some pots and replant some plants, mowing COULD be done but won’t reach jungle-like till next week. Also I have a list to-do on my phone calendar for today that isn’t even listed here. I have two paychecks that I haven’t had time to cash, ’cause I’m working all the time the banks are open! (I could have gone at a lunch hour, I rekkon)

So from here it’s shower, and then emails. Then…

5 thoughts on “Busy Day

  1. Sounds like a busy day for you! yeah, the grass can wait. Do the other important stuff first!! MAYBE wifie can deposit them for you, yes? HAVE A NICE WEEKEND…debbie

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