Dry dive

This morning I woke up, went diving and came back home and went to bed for a few hours. Then I took my dog to the beach, had a swim, came home and gave him a bath and now I’m making coffee thinking about supper. I don’t normally drink coffee this time of day and I’m not hungry, but that’s what I’m doing.

The dive was kinda dry. I figured it would be spectacular since I forgot my camera. But it was murky, and we didn’t see much. Dry is a weird way to describe a dive, but that was what I was thinking, “it’s kinda dry down here today”.

0 thoughts on “Dry dive

  1. Hi Mark….. Sounds like you had a relaxing day! :)As for being “kinda dry down here today”…hmmmmmm — that comment could lead to many different kinds of replies my dear! haha 😉