feels Like Friday

It feels like Friday, but it’s not. I’ve been busy this week and every day I come home brain tired. Wake up brain dead-get home brain tired! That’s me!

I like to wake up early, get dressed and ready to go and have time to read some blog posts, drink some coffee, and act like I got up for more than going to work. This morning it took much more than the alloted time to find socks. I found a dozen pairs of blue socks, but I needed white or gray socks. I finally found one in the dryer and one on top of the dresser, but where are all my socks? If I needed blue I’d only find tons of gray and/or white socks. These are the problems I have to deal with throughout my day.
I’m going to try to finish up at the new radio station today, and just neaten up tomorrow. I’ve almost completed the studio, and the transmitter can’t go in yet because of some electrical permits or something. So I’ll be going back later for that. Also I need to put in the production studio which should take only a day or so.

No blog post is complete without a photo, so here is a random photo for today.

A more realistic restroom sign.

8 thoughts on “feels Like Friday

  1. I like that thought…getting up for something other than work. I'll have to try to keep that in my brain for tomorrow a.m. when I am immediately hateful because the alarm went off.

  2. It's that silly ole' dryer. It eats socks and apparently lately he's liked gray socks. Everyone in the world has lost socks. Seems like they could invent a washer or dryer that didn't eat socks…hope you found a mate, mate! …debbie

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