
Well, This blogs days may be numbered. I’m wondering if I can blog from prison.

Had a great weekend, went to the beach, went diving.

I was on my way home from diving when I got busted.

I asked the officer if I could just pay (wink wink), but she said no, I have to go to court.

I’m wondering if I may be spending some time in the slammer, the joint, the big house, the house of pain. Hope I don’t end up being Bubba Horsecocks girlfriend.

I got busted big time, I didn’t even bother to deny it. Maybe the judge’ll go easy on my because I’m a first time offender.

I got a ticket for no seat belt.

0 thoughts on “Felon

  1. Oh my gosh! I will write you in the slammer, but I won’t except any collect phone calls!Busted, oh my! Shame shame shame.Merry Christmas!